✨ Meet a Pearl Peep: Jame Velarde

A tan bullet point

Member Profile


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James sitting at his desk with a window in the background

James is a cornerstone member here at The Pearl Works. He always comes in with a friendly hello, and leaves at the end of the day with a “I had so much fun, let’s do it again tomorrow." James is a foodie, father of 2 boys and a delight to be around. Read on to learn more about this guy! 

Alora: So James, what is one of your superpowers?

James: The ability to navigate successfully between Macro and Micro. Thinking big picture and how that will roll out or affect things at a smaller level. Also my wife tends to think it is pretty cool how a tasty meal can be whipped up from a fridge full of “nothing for dinner” 😀

What advice would you give someone considering coworking?
Do it! The company I work with, a21, is based out of Miami, FL, and I am an army of one here in Monterey. As someone whose work life prior to the pandemic was always in more traditional office settings, I find a Coworking environment and The Pearl Works specifically, has been a godsend. I love having a healthy physical separation between “work” and “home.” A vibrant, well curated place to work, be productive and see/interact with other creative, passionate individuals, each doing great things within their respective fields, keeps the batteries charged!

What is one of your favorite local businesses here in Monterey? 

There are many and I like the fact that The Pearl Works is in the “thick of it all.” Being centrally located it is very walkable to many. I would say a couple of consistent go-to’s for me are East Village Coffee. Ryan and team are like the Cheers of Coffee Houses—warm, friendly, and always know your name. I also like taking a meeting over at Alta Bakery. Solid food and the outdoor gardens are a great alternative to a regular board room.

What’s a valuable lesson you’ve learned recently? How has it impacted how you live your life? 

As I get older, I find myself trying to embrace the idea of not sweating the small stuff or being consumed with “doing it all.” Quality over quantity.

What is your favorite podcast? Why? 

I will admit I am an “Arm-Chairy.” I like Armchair Expert with Dax and Monica. I find the variety of guests from all walks of life and expertise refreshing. I also appreciate the long form interview vs. typical sound bites of a traditional talk show. 

What are you grateful for? 

Grateful for being able to share each day with family and friends. They aren’t always good ones but being given the opportunity to wake up and enjoy the good or improve upon as needed is a blessing. Oh, and the endless supply of MALK in the kitchen fridge—BONUS!

James has been a Pearl Peep since May of 2022. Most days you will find him at his Pod Desk on the first floor of The Pearl Works, working his magic.

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